
What Are Concierge Medical Services and Could They Be Right for You?

Concierge Medical Services at Grossman Wellness Center

Today’s traditional medical system has a few issues. It is focused on treatments that address your symptoms; it deprives you of valuable face-to-face time with the doctor, and patients are often limited to procedures that are only covered by their health insurance.

Despite the shortcomings of traditional medicine, concierge medicine can fill in the gaps to truly deliver high quality of care to patients. Concierge medicine is a form of healthcare that allows patients to pay an annual fee as a retainer for a physician. This maintains a low doctor-to-patient ratio that allows doctors to spend more time with each patient. As a result, patients receive more individualized services like preventative care counseling, as well as short- and long-term wellness tips.

How Concierge Medical Services Work

In the United States, a physician at a regular primary care facility will typically have between 2,000 and 3,000 patients. Even if that physician were to work year-round without holidays or weekends, he or she would still only be able to devote about an hour per year to each patient.

Physicians in a concierge medical practice have around 500 to 1,000 patients, allowing them to devote much more time to, develop personal relationships with, and provide better care for each patient.

Along with a reduced number of patients, the other significant difference between traditional primary care facilities and concierge practices is that patients pay for the full spectrum of concierge services, whereas a more traditional medical facility charges on a per-visit, per-treatment basis. Even then, conventional medical practices can be limited by the patient’s insurance plan.

Benefits of the Concierge Medicine Model

The low doctor-to-patient ratio allowed by a concierge medical practice means longer face-to-face visits with your physician, typically shorter wait times in office, high-quality preventative care, and more in-depth treatment when health issues present themselves. The lower doctor-to-patient ratio also means you can schedule appointments within one to three days, a much faster turnaround time than the traditional primary care model.

A concierge medical practice will focus much more on prevention rather than treatment, which allows for improvement in the duration and quality of life for the patient instead of alleviating symptoms. This practice typically provides regular health screenings, encouragement for patients to follow healthy lifestyles that prioritize physical activity and proper diets, and a sense of purpose to help patients achieve optimal levels for vital health markers.

Who Chooses Medical Concierge Services?

The concierge medical practice model is beneficial for a broad range of patients, especially those who are tired of the hassles associated with the regular healthcare system such as long waits, not receiving top-notch and personalized treatment, and general insurance headaches. In fact, many insurance companies have such high deductibles that most patients would never even reach those limits, leaving them to pay for nearly all their treatment and services out of pocket.

Furthermore, concierge medical services can be even more important for people with a family history of disease, and who want to be proactive about their health and wellness.

If you’re concerned that your primary care facility isn’t providing you with the level of healthcare service that you need and deserve, concierge services might be the right solution for you.

The physicians at a concierge practice are ready to devote their time and energy to your medical needs. These concierge practices provider better services, more testing, and can guarantee you the quality and level of service that you’d expect from the top primary care facilities.

Get started with concierge medicine by scheduling a health and wellness evaluation and start your journey towards a healthier tomorrow.

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